
If you’ve been seeking a renewed sense of self and a joyful connection to your later years, this is the coaching program for you! My personalized coaching, tools, and mindset shifts will give you the ‘pieces-of-the-puzzle’ to help you finally enjoy the satisfaction you’ve been seeking. Through a personalized mind-body-spirit approach, designed to create your life from the inside out, you will discover how to make peace with your physical circumstances, listen to your inner wisdom, rediscover fun and play, and start living your best life, now!

You deserve to live freely and joyfully at this stage of your life. The happiness and well-being you seek are inside of you, and my program will help you release them with these simple steps...



Within my personalized coaching program, you’ll learn how to release anxiety, reconnect to your self-worth, discover deep confidence, and enjoy balance - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Here are just a few of the core elements we will cover together during the program:




Is health a 4-letter word to you? Maybe your body is the last thing you want to think about... or maybe it’s the only thing you want to think about! Together we will find balance in your relationship with well-being and create a mind-body foundation for vibrant aging. There is no such thing as perfect health! In this program, you will learn to make peace with any challenges, limitations, or dis-ease that you are experiencing and explore a mindful approach to movement that will help you enjoy your body again.





Self-love is the most essential building block of peace at any age. Your connection to yourself impacts your ability to access joy, express vulnerability, and view your life through a lens of possibility. You are more than your body! Throughout this program, we will dismantle the core beliefs that are blocking your happiness, creativity, and contentment. You will discover a renewed sense of empowerment and connect to unconditional love for yourself and your life.




Your habits determine your outlook! Together we will identify your primary sources of stress, take an honest look at the unhealthy behaviors that are feeding your anxiety, and cultivate tools to combat any fear-based mindsets. With small, meaningful steps, you will build sustainable habits that support you in consciously creating the best years of your life.  




As our bodies slow down, our minds become even more influential. Don’t let negative thinking claim this special phase of your life! Together we will identify any negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your happiness. You will overcome resistance and tap into a vitality mindset by learning tools and techniques that help you stay in a high vibrational state of being.




The wisdom of experience can sometimes be painful. While it’s important to acknowledge our guilt, shame, and resentment, dwelling in these feelings can erode our relationship with ourselves and others. In this program, you will explore buried feelings and learn forgiveness practices to release any emotional blocks that are keeping you from a life of joy. You will begin to navigate emotions in a way that both honors your experience and frees you to move forward in peace.





Growth is available to you at any stage of life, but your capacity to evolve is only as good as your environment! As we move through this program, you will investigate the external factors that are impacting your ability to thrive. You will reconnect with self-expression and build a lifestyle that supports your greatest vision for yourself. You will inventory your inner circle and identify relationships that are impacting your self-esteem. Together we will build an environment that supports the expansive life you want and deserve.





Releasing tension and anxiety is the cornerstone of lifelong well-being. This program will help you rediscover the art of laughter, recapture your inner child, and renew your passion for living. Through meditation, play, and other stress-reduction techniques, you will find that humor and pleasure easily become a regular part of your daily experience.





Maximize your inner work by tuning in more deeply to your body, thoughts, emotions, and intuition. You will elevate your experience even further by using daily meditation, breathwork, and affirmations to align your mind, body, and spirit with total health and happiness. Together we will dig deep to uncover your

purpose for this phase of your life and cultivate unshakeable confidence that will fuel your happiness long after the program is over.


Change is inevitable in life. You can either resist it and potentially get run over by it, or you can choose to cooperate with it, adapt to it, and learn how to benefit from it. When you embrace change you will begin to see it as an opportunity for growth.
— Jack Canfield


If this resonates with you, and you are ready to live the life you’ve always wanted then ​click below​ to apply! Nothing would make me happier than to support you on your journey.

Most folks are as happy as they make their mind to be
— Abraham Lincoln