
What is my purpose? What am I contributing to the world? What imprint will I leave when I’m gone?

I am going to take a wild guess that these thoughts have crossed your mind once or twice... maybe in just the past hour. And you’re certainly not alone. Anxiety about our current state of reality and our legacy is something we all face, especially in this phase of our life.

Frankly, if you weren’t thinking about it, I’d be worried! We all ​want​ to leave our mark because we’re all ​meant​ to leave our mark. Now, more than ever, you have valuable wisdom to share and this world needs you to shine the light of your experience.

Do you feel like you’ve made your contribution to the world already? You achieved everything you set out to and feel like there’s nothing left for you? Perhaps you feel like you never got your chance to show the world what you can do and now it’s too late.

Or it could be that your purpose was defined by your work or your family and now that they’re gone you feel lost. Whichever side you’re on, the need for something external to define this chapter of your life is a sure recipe for anxiety.

I get it. I had a successful career as a coach and public speaker, a beautiful family, businesses and property that I was proud of... and then life happened. Health complications, marital trouble, financial difficulty. Try as I did to juggle it all and patch solutions together, everything came up short until I finally awakened to the understanding that the answers were inside me.

What I came to know is that the solution to these anxieties cannot be found outside of ourselves. Happiness, vitality, and purpose must start from within.

How do you escape the aimlessness, loneliness, and fear of this new chapter? By confronting your limiting beliefs and cultivating a new relationship with your body, mind, and spirit. Your inner wisdom knows exactly what you need in order to access happiness and vitality; you just need to clear space for it to guide you.

There is no expiration date on joy! You are designed to live fully and freely for as long as you’re in this body. The only thing holding you back... is you.

I’ve identified the subconscious patterns that keep us from living our best lives and created a program of mindfulness tools and teachings that will help you break through these blocks. With my coaching, you will free ​yourself from anxiety ​and start living your life again - bigger and better than you ever have before.

You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream
— C.S Lewis


William Stewart’s quest for enlightenment began at age 5 when a family crisis launched a lifelong search for spiritual purpose and meaning. Today Bill is a coach, public speaker and author with over 40 years of research and expertise in personal growth and development. His courses and seminars have impacted over 40,000 people across all walks of life, from teenagers to battered women to sales executives, and today he devotes his practice to helping seniors everywhere embrace their later years.

With his 8-point mindfulness-based coaching program, Bill debunks the idea that age is a barrier to making a meaningful and creative impact on the world. By cultivating total mind-body-spirit health, his work empowers clients to develop positive habits and mindsets, welcome the challenges of their age, and be fully present to the joy and possibility of this chapter of their lives.


You could say I’ve always been a seeker

When I was 5 years old my mother was institutionalized and it shook our family tree pretty hard. Most everyone around me turned to religion to find comfort and plant their roots but I went the other way, vowing that I’d supply everything I needed all on my own. Even at that young age, I had a sense that the answers were inside me.

That philosophy launched me into a lifetime of achievement that served me well for a while - it even inspired my career! I made it my life’s work to teach others how to take responsibility for themselves and train their minds to take ownership of their experience. I exercised the principles in my own life and watched as those practices called in my beautiful family, grew multiple businesses, and even supported me in reversing late-stage kidney cancer. I was creating my life on my terms... until the wheels started coming off the wagon.

Financial challenges sank my businesses and took my home with them. Two marriages ended in divorce. Health challenges sentenced me to an oxygen machine for the rest of my life. We’re told that our retirement years will be leisurely, that we’ll get a whole new lease on life, but instead I looked around and found instability, loneliness and health troubles.

I’ve known my share of struggle, and I’ve found it to be true in my own life and the lives of my clients that when we strip away all the bells and whistles, we’re left with ourselves, and that can be some difficult company. Suddenly I was back at 5 years old again - me, myself and I going it alone - only this time I knew I had to do things differently. This time it wasn’t about creating my life; it was about creating myself.

What I’ve come to learn is that stability, joy, and even good health will never be found outside of us. True happiness and well-being start from within.

Today I do things differently than I did twenty or forty years ago. I listen to my body and take things slow. I surround myself with people and circumstances that exercise my humor and curiosity. I commit to staying humble and teachable, no matter how much life experience I have. And I know that when the going gets tough, I have the tools to weather them with self-care and intuition.

These are the tools I want to share with you.

This chapter of your life is going to be the best yet! I know that because the mindfulness practices I outline in my program will keep you present to fun and peace and pleasure. With these tools under your belt, each moment is more beautiful than the one before, no matter what life throws at you. I’m living proof!

Don’t waste another minute living in the past or future. Your life is right here, right now - Let’s get busy enjoying it!

With love,


Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing myself.
— Rumi